How To: Tweak OS X “Spaces”

How To: Tweak OS X “Spaces”

Spaces is OSX’s cool virtual window program that allows “multiple” desktops to be setup. The thought is that it allows you to group programs together by task and thereby increasing your workflow productivity.

Apple has a great tutorial on how to really maximize it’s usefulness.

But some of us want to tweak it’s usability. For instance to disable the “teleport to another space feature” in terminal (as root)

defaults write workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool NO

killall Dock

To switch back:

defaults write workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool YES

killall Dock

To remove the animation between spaces:

defaults write workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES

killall Dock

Please comment and add any other tricks you have.

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