Taken at the Houston Texas Zoo
The Rhinos were fighting. Or something.
This guy was pretty curious. Couldn’t stop looking at me. Or he wanted food.
How To: Disable OS X Quick Look
Quick Look in OS X is an awesome feature. I’m constantly using it to check out PDF files without needing to open them.
But in some environments, it doesn’t make sense or causes a huge amount of issues.
So to disable this, in the terminal type; (as root or admin user)
defaults write “$3/System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.quicklook” Disabled -bool true
Restart the Finder, and you’re good to go!
This works in 10.6.x but apparently crashes 10.5.x (I’m not able to confirm the later as I don’t have 10.5)
How To: Use Equation editor in Office 2008 (for Mac)
Equation Editor in Office 2008 should be installed by a default install of Office. If for some reason it is not, you’ll need to find your Office Disc and reinstall Office 2008 for Macintosh.
To check if Equation Editor is already installed, look in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office. The Application, Equation Editor, should located there. But you don’t need to launch it from here or you’ll get error messages saying fonts are missing. Equation Editor is meant to be used inside of Word, and other Office applications.
To use Equation Editor, first step is to launch “Word” from your toolbar, or from Applications.
In Word, click on “Insert” in the menu bar, then at the bottom choose “Object.”
Choose “Equation Editor” from the list of Object Types.
Type in the required equation using the buttons at the top of the Equation Editor to get the Mathematical Operations needed.
Once you have your equation, click the red button in the upper left hand corner to close the Equation Editor. This will automatically insert the equation you just entered into the Word document at the cursor location.
Keep in mind this is for MS Office 2008 for Mac only. If you know how to do this in Office 2011 for Mac, please comment below!
IT Recruiting Company Reviews
It feels like the economy is turning around – or recruiters are getting desperate. Over the past two years I’ve been getting a lot of hits for jobs that are way out of my skill range, or have two or less keywords on my resume match the job description. It’s obvious that these companies are using the shotgun approach to finding workers in hopes that something will stick.
While I’m not calling any of these companies* scammers, I’d be extremely wary in dealing with them at all. Such an approach to recruiting means that these people are trying to fill a quota and don’t care about either the people they’re recruiting, or the Companies they’re recruiting for.
adroIT Software & Consulting, Inc;
– Contact #1, August 9th, 2011, one keyword match
American Cyber System;
– Contact #1, June 28th, 2011, no keyword matches
– Contact #2, October 12th, 2011, one keyword match
Apex Systems; These people have been on my radar for a while, but have skirted being put on this page for a variety of reasons. I usually get an email from them at least once a month, but here is the problem, they have never contacted me back about any job I tried to apply for that they sent me.
– Contact #xxx, September 01, 2012 – One keyword match – off of former company name!
Atlantic Partners Corporation
– Contact #1, February 1st, 2012 – One Keyword match
Bellsoft Inc;
– Contact #1, August 1, 2011. Job request was not even in my industry!
– Contact #2, September 17th, 2011. Short term contract, 2500 miles away, one keyword match
inSync Staffing;
– Contact #1, October 03, 2012 – One keyword match – MICROSOFT Office! Job was for an architect position.
– Contact #1, Oct 21, 2011. One keyword match on resume
National Executive Recruiting, “division of a national Medical Diagnostics Company” (their words)
– Contact #1, Jun 12, 2012. No keywords, not at one of my usual emails, position was for Medical Technology Sales. And email started out “Greetings xxx” but not my name.
Paladin Inc;
– Contact #4, Jan 13th, 2012 – Position was minimum wage, entry level copy room. No keyword matches.
– Contact #7, Oct 20th, 2012 – Not in industry. Continue to disregard “unsubscribe” request via link posted in all their emails.
Ramy Infotech; These guys seem to hire Indian recruiters who just spam out jobs to random people. Every email I’ve ever sent them, including ones asking for more information about the position, or the one time I was really interested in the position has been ignored.
– Contact #8, June 28, 2011. One keyword match
– Contact #9, August 31, 2011. Two keyword matches
– Contact #10, October 21, 2011. One keyword match
– Contact #11, October 24, 2011. One keyword match, outside of area
– Contact #12, October 24, 2011. Same as above, even the same recruiter.
*Recruiting Companies; You are on this list because you either;
A.) Declined to mark me in your contact system as unavailable after the third request or do not provide a way to remove myself out of your system
B.) Continue to send Job Descriptions that match two or less keywords out of the 40+ that are on my resume
C.) Are an insurance company recruiting way outside of your industry and using questionable tactics to do so
D.) Repeatedly do not contact me back about jobs that I am interested in, even to say “Thanks! I’ll submit your resume!”