Poking a hole in that pesky firewall.

Poking a hole in that pesky firewall.

There are more than a few ways to access a firewall.  I will be giving a brief tutorial for one of the more common methods. Called “poking a hole”, or professionally called an SSH back door.  Please, please be careful with this, any script kiddy with 30 lines of code can exploit an SSH server.

This is a great post by IBM detailing it pretty well. If you have any question feel free to leave a comment and I will assist you.

  1. SSH from ginger to blackbox.example.com with the -R flag. I’ll assume that you’re the root user on ginger and that tech will need the root user ID to help you with the system. With the -R flag, you’ll forward instructions of port 2222 on blackbox to port 22 on ginger. This is how you set up an SSH tunnel. Note that only SSH traffic can come into ginger: You’re not putting ginger out on the Internet naked.You can do this with the following syntax: ~# ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 thedude@blackbox.example.com

    Once you are into blackbox, you just need to stay logged in. I usually enter a command like:

    thedude@blackbox:~$ while [ 1 ]; do date; sleep 300; done

    to keep the machine busy. And minimize the window.

  2. Now instruct your friends at tech to SSH as thedude into blackbox without using any special SSH flags. You’ll have to give them your password: root@tech:~# ssh thedude@blackbox.example.com .
  3. Once tech is on the blackbox, they can SSH to ginger using the following command: thedude@blackbox:~$: ssh -p 2222 root@localhost
  4. Tech will then be prompted for a password. They should enter the root password of ginger.

Thanks IBM.

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