How To: Check Shutter Actuations on Olympus Evolt Cameras
These directions look a little weird, but trust me, they do work.
1.) Power camera on
2.) Open the CF door (trust me!)
3.) Press “play”+”OK” at same time. If that doesn’t work, try “menu” + “OK”
4.) Press the following buttons in order: “Up” “Down” “Left” “Right” on the dial
5.) Fully press the shutter release button
6.) Press “Up” on the dial
7.) Press “Right” to page 2
Page2 displays the following information (mine shows two more lines then this.)
R: 00XXXXXX mean shutter release count – this is the shutter actuation count
S: 00XXXXXX unknown
M: 00XXXXXX pixel map count
U: 00XXXXXX ultrasonic wave count
It’s crazy, but it works!