Random Fantasy Names

Random Fantasy Names

Originally posted from Fidonet, and saved by myself onto a floppy disc for future use. So Brian Kettering – who ever you are, thanks!
(original format preserved.)

From : Brian Kettering (POST 05-May-1993 19:12)
Subject: Names of the Month
Since people liked my post of many fantasy names, I have decided to post a
few more each month for everyone to use and enjoy. If one or three catch
your eye, write me back and tell me why (oooooh, a rhyme!).
Achiena Ejaena Kamithar Rechinar Valethar Cagoril Goruta
Adhereal Ethurael Kavaena Retaena Viorzha Chasetyr Halura
Akimar Farenal Kazil Rocamara Vuzarael Chidildra Henashal
Basemar Felethar Korithar Ruthamaal Worustan Cimiryl Ibohama
Cabistone Fuliurael Larostan Samithar Xaimar Daeros Icanal
Caera Gaudrael Lovumar Savaston Xalathar Darital Idenshield
Camara Hazuther Marael Sezerael Xemara Dawndale Ikajira
Chalutyr Ichama Nazarael Shamara Zirael Denecar Jaaor
Cuathar Isomar Oakethar Shirael Zothimar Elizaret Jacipur
Dachamar Izether Panduther Tarael Aeothor Elinilera Jenin
Darael Jacuraal Parither Thalastan Alalira Evidar Jimuril
Dejemal Jamara Pedimar Tharel Anaer Ezhuer Kaera
Dezim Jizarael Perom Theston Aviux Fezire Kajena
Dezir Joxiral Piur Tinuviel Balisaer Fosmar Karashal
Duthurael Jutham Ra’kirael Ulorael Barthon Gelesia Kavin

How To: Create and Import vcf VCards

How To: Create and Import vcf VCards

VCards are simply virtual business cards used to exchange contact information. They are easily recognizable with the .vcf file extension. Vcards have rapidly become a universally excepted way of transferring contact information between devices. They can be sent to most phones such as Blackberries and iPhones, or to all the popular Email programs and multiple contact collection programs.

The first step in creating a VCard is actually the hardest. Below is an example of my own VCard:

FN:Rick Hamell

As can be seen it shows all the important contact info that would be found in any contact program. In addition to Email addresses it includes my phone number and URL to my website.

Many programs such as Apple’s Address Book, or Microsoft Outlook will allow exporting a contact to a VCard file. They can also be edited with a text file as long as the conventions in structure are observed. The easiest method is to use an online generator. I prefer Wacomenance.co.uk but the one at Vicintl.com is more streamlined and compatible. Keep in mind that while MOST programs should read all the fields in a VCARD, some will drop fields such as second and third email addresses.

After creating a card the next step is to import it in to the preferred Contact Program.

Microsoft Outlook:

  • Click on File menu, then choose Import And Export.
  • Click to select the Import a vCard file (*.vcf) check box, and then click Next.
  • Select the vCard file, and then click Open.

Microsoft Entourage:

  • Open Entourage
  • Click on Address Button
  • Drag .VCF file to upper right hand window of Entourage

Apple Address Book:

  • Simply Double Click on the .VCF Card

Mozilla Thunderbird:

  • Attach VCard in Email to self
  • Click on VCard
  • Click OK in “New Card for” Dialog Box

Keep in mind that VCards only really work well with one contact at a time. This is not the way to export or import a fully populated address book. Also, it’s best to be careful where the file goes as it could be used for malicious purposes. Only send the file out to people known to you.