Location: Village of Edward’s Fields

Location: Village of Edward’s Fields

The Village of Edward’s Fields sits at a T-Intersection between two roads that are both trade routes. The main road goes East to West, and the other road travels South.

The village consists of two Inns, one right at the Intersection called Ebony Hearth, the other on the “edge” of the village on the Southern Road is named simply “South Inn.” South Inn is the bigger and better of the two, while the Ebony Hearth serves low quality food and is quite drafty.

There is also a Stable that buys and sells horses, manufacturers and sells tack, and repairs wagons. The stable has room for up to fourteen animals. Two of  the stalls are frequently occupied by animals from a local farmer that are for sale.

Next to the stable is a small blacksmith shop. The blacksmith, Olward Spothearted is young and has mediocre skills. He reluctantly took over the shop from his father who died in an accident before passing on many skills.

North of town is a large graveyard. Most of the gravestones are worn and unreadable. There are roughly ten thousand gravestones still present, but there is evidence that many more are missing. Local rumors say that it’s the final resting place of a defeated great army.The same rumors also state that the graveyard is home to witches, goblins, vampires, ghouls and all sorts of other beasts. Yet there has not been an actual sighting of any such things in known history.

Next to the graveyard entrance is a small church. It has room for about twenty worshippers. Near the entrance is a small room for a priest. One wall has a built in bookshelf and another has a small fireplace setup for cooking and heating. The church is kept clean, but is not dedicated to any one god.

North of the Graveyard lives Nelshell the Witch. She is little more then a hedge wizard who knows some herbs and healing. She lives very simply, her hut is dug into the side of a hill. The front walls are old sticks and branches laid next to each other. The door a simple piece of scrap canvas to keep out the weather.

On the Southern side of town, past the South Inn are two tobacco farms. The smaller one on the west side is about two acres in size. At each corner of the field is a small, ancient, statue of a man with a long mustache in prayer. The statues face inwards. A small farm house is next to the field, but as far away from the road as possible.

Across the South Road is a larger farm of ten acres. No farm house or statues are in evidence, and the overall field feels shabbier then the one across the road. There are evident gopher and squirrel holes, along with many weeds.

Adventure Seeds:

  • The Southern Road suffered a washout some time ago and has stopped being used as a trade route. This leaves the Southern Inn with little to no business. Rumors say that the washout was not a total accident though.
  • Acting on Rumors of Evil in the Graveyard, an Militant Order of Paladins takes over the small church. The Villagers are not too happy about it, and are not believed when they tell the Paladins there is no evil there. The Paladins begin to suspect that the Villagers are in on the Evil.
  • The smaller tabacco farm grows much better quality products then the larger one directly across the road. The owner of the larger field decides that the small statues bless the smaller field and thus plans to steal them.
  • Nelshell the Witch is more then she seems. She is actually a powerful Wizard who has been hiding out for many years. Upon rumors that her former rivals are coming through Edward’s Fields, she plans to take over the body of a young girl living nearby with one of her remaining magical artifacts to change her identity and continue hiding.
  • Evil is present in the Graveyard. Each night the two opposing sides battle each other in ghostly form. The former losers can only be satisfied by having their bodies properly buried. Unfortunately they were buried in a mass grave.
  • Olward Spothearted never wanted his father’s Blacksmith shop. He wanted to be an adventurer, or at least a soldier. One night as he’s cleaning the shop, he finds a hidden compartment. Inside is a glowing longsword, and there just happens to be a merchant in town who is short of Guards.
  • A solution for Universal Health Care

    A solution for Universal Health Care

    There is no reason we could not have “Socialized” Health Care (instead of it’s true meaning – Universal Health Care,) have it cheaper, and allow it to serve all people, AND still have the ability to bypass the “Lifetime Cap” that so many people are afraid of. It does mean that all sides would have to make sacrifices though, plus the Insurance and Health Care Industries would have to undergo some major changes.

    Step One would be to Nationalize ONE major Insurance Carrier. This company would have a cap of 6.5% profit margin. They would operate independently of the US Government, but would answer to Congress, the Judicial Branch, and it’s investors. The 6.5% Profit margin is below high risk funds, but slightly above most medium risk funds making it a good company for larger funds to invest in. The company would have as it’s mandate to reduce costs as long as it is not at the expense of the care their clients would receive. Their secondary goals would be 99% customer satisfaction, 5% or less waste, 90% Employee Satisfaction, and client processes that are as simple as possible. This means Bonuses, company perks, benefits, etc – you want the place to be a happy place to work which means happy and productive workers who in turn give good service to the clients.

    Step Two would be to mandate health care upon everyone. Companies would still contribute to Health Insurance just like they do now, and would need to include part time employees in the plan. I would allow them the ability to only need to pay 75% of the cost of a full time employee for the part timers though so it would still be cost effective to have part time employees in certain situations. Although I would not allow the number of part time employees exceed more then one half of the number of full time employees unless special circumstances warranted it.

    Step Three would be to put a cap on Doctors earnings, I’d still make it fairly high to make the industry attractive. In return they would be exempt from general malpractice suits, although they would still be liable for gross negligence. I would make it easier for Doctors to consult with each other, including a national database (and forums!) of illnesses and diseases, their symptoms and a step by step regime for each one. Controls would be put in place to allow doctors to step outside of that regime when needed – probably a peer review committee randomly selected of doctors and retired doctors within the local geographic area. Doctors would also need to go through a periodic re-examination. The test would include mental abilities, skills, and face to face behaviors. It would also be partially dependent on their patients treatments, recoveries, and happiness with the doctor in general.

    Step Four: Give the FDA more power to analyze and enforce Food and Drug quality controls and tests. They would also have the ability to fast track promising new drugs and greater ability to use human volunteers. The FDA would also have the power to price control drugs, making it cheap enough to be cost effective for general use.

    Step Five: Drug and Medical Supply Companies. As above, I’d Nationalize one of each industry. The goals would be the same, with the same profit margins, employee bonuses, etc. Drug Companies would not be allowed to give gifts to doctors and such would be as tightly controlled as campaign donations are for politicians. (Or more so.) Companies would still be allowed to patent and license technologies, plus sell their own house brands of common medications.

    Step Six: Consumers/Patients would be able to purchase additional insurance to hedge against costs that went over the lifetime cap – I think most people are saying $3 million lifetime. The exact finances would have to be worked out, but say you want to go to a five million lifetime cap. You’d have to add say $1.5 million to a general fund that is only payable upon your death, or upon your reaching the $3 million dollar cap. Excess monies in the fund at your death would be inherited, taxed at a slightly lower rate (to encourage starting the fund in the first place,) but would only go into your inheritors own fund. Half the interest on the fund would go to the company that administrats these funds and the other half would go back into the fund itself. The companies would only be allowed to reinvest the money in low and medium risk ventures as determined under supervison of the SEC, but would be liable for any decreases of more then 10% over the life of the fund. IE – if a person puts in $1 million dollars over their lifetime, but the funds value decreases to $500,000 the company would be liable for the missing $500,000.

    Individual Users would be able to get a .05% tax break per a year that they’re able to see a Doctor for regular check ups. They would also be able to get another .05% tax break once every ten years, providing they either make significant changes to their health (significant weight loss, stop smoking, etc), or maintain within 15% of the recommended standards as approved by a doctor. To qualify for this, they would simply need to have an annual physical/checkup every two years.

    There is still a lot more to it, but I believe that this would be an extremely effective system, provide health care for all and answer all the issues people have with Universal Health Care, yet not give up too many individual rights and freedoms.

    Random Fantasy Names

    Random Fantasy Names

    Originally posted from Fidonet. Just a random list of names that I’ve kept around for creating fantasy characters.  So Brian Kettering – who ever you are, thanks!

    From   : Brian Kettering  (POST 05-May-1993 19:12)
    Subject: Names of the Month
    Since people liked my post of many fantasy names, I have decided to post a
    few more each month for everyone to use and enjoy.  If one or three catch
    your eye, write me back and tell me why (oooooh, a rhyme!).
    Achiena    Ejaena     Kamithar   Rechinar   Valethar  Cagoril   Goruta
    Adhereal   Ethurael   Kavaena    Retaena    Viorzha   Chasetyr  Halura
    Akimar     Farenal    Kazil      Rocamara   Vuzarael  Chidildra Henashal
    Basemar    Felethar   Korithar   Ruthamaal  Worustan  Cimiryl   Ibohama
    Cabistone  Fuliurael  Larostan   Samithar   Xaimar    Daeros    Icanal
    Caera      Gaudrael   Lovumar    Savaston   Xalathar  Darital   Idenshield
    Camara     Hazuther   Marael     Sezerael   Xemara    Dawndale  Ikajira
    Chalutyr   Ichama     Nazarael   Shamara    Zirael    Denecar   Jaaor
    Cuathar    Isomar     Oakethar   Shirael    Zothimar  Elizaret  Jacipur
    Dachamar   Izether    Panduther  Tarael     Aeothor   Elinilera Jenin
    Darael     Jacuraal   Parither   Thalastan  Alalira   Evidar    Jimuril
    Dejemal    Jamara     Pedimar    Tharel     Anaer     Ezhuer    Kaera
    Dezim      Jizarael   Perom      Theston    Aviux     Fezire    Kajena
    Dezir      Joxiral    Piur       Tinuviel   Balisaer  Fosmar    Karashal
    Duthurael  Jutham     Ra’kirael  Ulorael    Barthon   Gelesia   Kavin