

The indisputable kings of German Punk, maybe even Punk music in general is a great group called Rammstein.

But they’re more then just a bunch of guys shouting as loud as they can and playing their instruments way too loud like most every body down at the Paris on Friday Nights. But musically they’re technically perfect on par with a major Symphony. They music has emotion to it. Most people are familiar with Feuer Frei from the Triple X Sound Track. But Du Hast effects one far more to the point of anger in many cases.

On the other end of the scale they have Sonne, Engel, and their newest single, Amerika all of which are (relatively) gentle ballads. Listening to the beat and the words you feel more sad then angry. Of course unless you understand German you have no clue what these guys are singing about. Which I feel is part of their charm. Many people spend hours trying to figure out what exactly is said.

Rammstein are also the kings of imagery. Sonne starts out innocently enough. The entire band is dressed up as mountain climbers. They stop at a stream, drink water and immediatly you’re thinking “what is going on?” as each member gives an almost pitying look to the lead singer. The video proceeds to them actually climbing the mountian before the lead singer falls and gets obviously hurt. The rest of the band pulls him to the top, but that night they all exchange looks and know he’s going to die. They bury him at the top of the mountain. But rewind to the first part of the video and you begin to think everyone KNOWS he went there to die.

The translated lyrics lose something of course. But the above song (lyrics at http://www.lyrics007.com/Rammstein%20Lyrics/Sonne%20(English)%20Lyrics.html ) lyrics don’t seem to have anything about death or destiny. On the surface. But like They Might Be Giants the more you listen to their music, the more meanings you start to get out of the lyrics.

All in all – this is one group I’m going to see in concert as soon as I can. Their live shows are supposed to be just awesome.