Catachan Jungle Fighters Lascannon Team

Catachan Jungle Fighters Lascannon Team

While not as lucky as their squad mates, Gunnar and Franklin, Privates Smith and Berowski have paid for themselves in blood over 40 battles. They have managed to take out two separate Leman Russ tanks, and helped decimate the ranks of a Traitor Marine Squad. Once they even assisted in taking down a Hive Tyrant that was ultimately beheaded by the brave men of Gamma, Omega, Mu, and Kappa Squads, led into hand to hand battle by their fearless leader Commissar Callahan “Dead Eye,” Actaeon.

Fortunately, battles are over in this sector and they’re taking long deserved R&R awaiting reassignment to a new world, and new battlefields under a new commander.

Catachan Jungle Fighters Heavy Bolter Team

Catachan Jungle Fighters Heavy Bolter Team

Gradually the sounds of Capohny birds rustling in the trees quieted. Both soldiers were experienced enough to know that meant an enemy was nearing. Pvt. Gunnar slowly pulled back the bolt to free his heavy bolter for action. Pvt. Frank glanced down at the trio of magazines for the weapon to make sure yet again that they were free of dirt and placed in such a way as to minimize the time it took to rack a new one. Both men had spent the previous night quietly moving the cumbersome weapon into position to be ready for the next assault.

Gunnar’s finger slowly put pressure on the trigger as as malformed shadows slipped between the trees across the glade from their position. As the shadows resolved into all too familiar bipedal shapes, both men let loose with a torrent of fire that indiscriminately scythed down vegetation and flesh.

These are one of the luckiest and most skilled set of Jungle Fighters I have ever seen. Out of about 40 battles, they were killed once. In return they have killed the following units:

– Abaddon the Despoiler
– Chaos Rhino
– Two Eldar Jet Bikes, routing the squad
– Traitor Commissar who tried to close for melee
– Traitor Marine at extreme long range

Gunnar and Franklin’s reputation has grown to a point that their mere presence on the field of battle has denied the enemy objectives, and protected the flank of a 2000 Point Fast Attack Army as it crushed Greenies under it’s treads. Once they were dropped by Chimera in the rear of a rogue Imperial Guard Force causing several minutes of confusion as the counter attack broke the defender’s front lines.

Unfortunately, the rest of their squad has been split up, and it’s time for them to be reassigned to new battlefields under a new Commander. May the Emperor Protect!

How To: Change Mac Icons

How To: Change Mac Icons

Nothing says “Hands off! This is MY Mac” like a highly customized desktop.

Once you’ve chosen a Icon Set (or six,) unpack them to a folder on the desktop.

Right click then Get Info on the new Icon. At the top will be a picture of the Icon, highlight this then use to copy the Icon to your clipboard.

Go back to the folder you’d like to change, IE, your hard drive’s Icon. Right click on it, the go to Get Info. Highlight the Icon at the top, but use this time.

Close the Get Info window, and the Icon should change!

How To: Fix Final Cut and Bonjour issues

How To: Fix Final Cut and Bonjour issues

A lot of companies disable Bonjour on Mac OSX for a variety of reasons, usually because it’s very “chatty” and tends to take up a lot of network bandwidth by itself. It can also cause issues with Printer Sharing, causing print jobs to disappear.

But, some Apple products such as Final Cut, and certain Adobe Suite products demand to have Bonjour enabled.

Luckily Apple Support has a perfect fix for this.

1.) First step is to copy the plist file to make a backup, I like to just add .bak to make things easier in the future:
cp /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ (all on one line)

2.) Open mDNSResponder.plist in your text editor of choice. Doing it from terminal is best.

sudo vi “/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/”

3.) Add “-NoMulticastAdvertisements” to the array in the “ProgramArguments” section.

It starts like this:



And needs to look like this:


4.) After saving the file and closing it, you’ll need to reboot the computer. Keep in mind that if you used EMACS to edit the file, you need to remove the temp file it created, “/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/” first or your computer will not reboot.