Found Pictures
I found a big bag of vintage/antique pictures among items left behind by an evicted tenant. Based on the tenants, and the fact that these were left outside in the weather on a table, I am 100% sure that it was stolen. If you know who’s stuff this is, please let me know so I can get it back to them. They were likely stolen in August 2015 from somewhere in South East Portland.
In addition to the pictures, there is quite a bit of paperwork from Utah, Arizona and Washington D.C. including a life insurance policy card from 1943 for Mr. Joseph A. Reed who lived at 109 Blyer RD in Washington D.C.

Hi Rick — I’m pretty sure I found the twin girls in the 1920 & 1930 censuses. I’ve messaged another member who has the twins in her family tree, and gave her this link to your website. It’s a long shot — but she has other family photos on her tree, so perhaps these will be meaningful to her. Or maybe she’ll know a cousin who’s more closely connected…
Thank you so much Mia, I looked in myself but didn’t have much luck. I hope your mail gets to someone who knows!
Since you have access to Ancestry — in 1920, Luther P and Martha Jeffries, living in Durant Ward 2, Bryan, Oklahoma, have three girls: Lois 8, Evlyn and Estelyn 5. The twins aren’t indexed correctly in either 1920 or 1930! But they’re in Tahoka, Lynn, Texas in 1930, Luther L & Martha J Jeffreys, with E Lois 18, Evelyn and Eshlyir 15, and Dorothy Jane 6.
The mother is Martha Jane [Logan] Jeffries, died 12 Nov 1964 – Midland, Midland, Texas, hence the reference to Aunt Jane. It appears Estelyn [Jeffries] Everett died in 2000, and Evelyn [Jeffries] Haag in 2003.
Nice of you to pursue it 🙂
oh — I got a reply. alisadunn53 on Ancestry would like a copy of the twins pics, but doesn’t know the reference to Mr. Reed. Best of luck with your puzzle!
Thank you so much for your help Mia!
Hi Rick, Someone contacted me on that you had a picture of Evelyn & Eastalyn Jefferies. They are distant cousins of mine. I would love to have that picture or a copy of it. The other two pictures you posted do they have any info on them? They were born in OK and lived in TX. Their mother had many siblings so I don’t know who would be calling her Aunt Jane. Mr. Reed isn’t familiar to me. I’m going to send out a message to others who are on Ancestry that are related to them that might have a closer relationship than I am. Do you have anything else that mentions them or the Logan family, Haag family, or the Greer family.
Hello Alisa, I don’t want to split the pictures until I can try to get them to who they belong. But you’re welcome to take a copy of the picture that is posted. I saw some stuff from the Logan side of things I believe, when I get a chance I’ll look through again.