Mark Twain House in Hartford Connecticut

Mark Twain House in Hartford Connecticut

The Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) House in Hartford Connecticut. He lived in Hartford for 17 years and wrote his four most popular books here. Unfortunately, no photography allowed inside. But it was gorgeous inside and out.

3 thoughts on “Mark Twain House in Hartford Connecticut

  1. Donna Winston Reply

    Ken Burns Was allowed inside for his documentary on Clemens. It is indeed beautiful inside and his great room mantle as well as he and Livey’s bed was restored to this home from his later home where they had been moved before his passing. The home pictured here, has been restored with exacting detail to the way it was while the entire family was living there.

    • Rick Post authorReply

      When I was there, the place was available for tours. It was pretty cool, but pictures were not allowed inside.

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