San Francisco – September 2011
From my September 2011 trip to California. We stopped in San Francisco on the way back home from Los Angeles.
Hearst Castle – California State Historic Park
Hearst Castle is quite an amazing place. Unfortunately, there is no good way to get a picture of the entire thing. You can either get an extremely long distance photo, or obscenely up close. Nothing in between. So instead I took pictures of the view around the extensive grounds.
The view from here is Sam Simeon Bay. Note that from here the ocean is five miles away.
The now unincorporated town of San Simeon sits next to San Simeon Bay. It was once a sub-Mission of Mission San Miguel Arcángel, and later became a trading hub for the local area. A dock was built to allow ships to load and unload cargo here. The bay was also used for whaling, no doubt preying on the pods of humpback whales migrating through the area.
Hearst Castle is covered with gorgeous statuary and art of all sorts. In fact many of the buildings themselves are pieces of artwork, often decorated with intricate frescos or carved wood.
Universal Studios, Hollywood California
For some reason, Universal Studios Hollywood remains my favorite theme park, especially the tram ride. One of my earliest memories is being scared the heck of by Jaws. When I visited Universal back in Spring 2011, I made sure to sit on the side of the tram closest to Jaws again. Partially to exorcise some bad memories, but mostly to prove to myself it wasn’t as scary as I remember it. It wasn’t.
Pictures are from September 2011 trip when we went again. Unfortunately no pictures of Jaws as we were stuck in the middle of the tram between people on both sides.
While disappointed that I missed the Back to the Future ride here, the Simpsons ride is actually very fun.
Magic Mountain Six Flags
Here are my words of advice for Magic Mountain. Either be a resident with a year-round pass, or spring for the extra $200 to get first in line cuts. With 45-90 minute wait times, within an hour of opening, and only an 8 hour long day, the park simply is not worth it. Even with the various discounts that are always going on.
I suppose it was fun enough, I had fun going up the huge tower and just walking around. But the lines on the roller coasters just was not worth the time. Especially since we had to drive two hours from our hotel just to get there!