Dungeons and Dragons Random Encounters Netbook
The Dungeons and Dragons Random Encounters Netbook is from the old Usenet/Fidonet archives. It created in the 90s for AD&D (Second Edition,) specifically. But was meant to be backwards compatible. Even better, this particular netbook was very generic – making it useful for just about any Dungeons and Dragons game including 5th Edition. It can also easily be used to kick off a plot in any other game system.
Like all the Netbooks I’m posting here, this is merely a backup meant to share these with other people. No copyright claims are made. Please visit the original archive!

ADMIN: This book is designed to hold random encoutners. Once enough
encoutners are added, you will be able to select an area, and then
roll for random encounters. It is more detailed than just plain
monsters, and gives leads into more adventures if the party wants
to pursue the possibilities. Use as you like! Distribute as you like!
All I ask is that you keep the authors and contributors with any
version you post. Thanks and enjoy! JMD
Author: Joseph DuBois (Scooby) Lost Net Access
Jared Thaler (ez040915@natasha.ucdavis.edu)
Jeff Hildebrand (jrah@ssec.honeywell.com)
Matt Carlson (matthew@rainbow.uchicago.edu) (mcarlson@nmsu.edu)
ShadowMaster (jcarl@pizza.ess.harris.com)
{ ADMIN: To Spur a little Creativity (rather than arguing about rules) }
{ I am posting (1/day) a new encounter that can be added to any }
{ campaign. The encounters are designed to be short quick }
{ events you can add without much thought. The encoutners are }
{ such that you can modify them to fit any level campaign. }
{ ADMIN: Some of the posts might look familiar, this is in case any }
{ players read this post they wont recognize the encounter and }
{ should not be able to respond to a set encounter. Similar }
{ encounters will be denoted by the NEW code extension (y). If }
{ an encounter has future or similar encounters it will be }
{ denoted by the extension xxxxxx1, xxxxxx2… }
{ ADMIN: I do not have the manuals with me most of the time so if I go }
{ against them, your options are (KEEP/CHANGE/DELETE)! }
{ }
{ The format is as follows: }
{ TITLE: Title of Encounter }
{ OVERVIEW: Quick overview of the encounter }
{ TRIGGER: How the encounter starts (What starts it) }
{ DESCRIPTION: Description of what the PC’s see/here }
{ DM NOTES: Notes to the DM }
{ KEY: Leads into future encounters/adventures }
{ }
{========================NOTES ON CODES================================}
{ 1xxx###y (Planet) }
{ 2xxx###y (Spelljammer) }
{ 3xxx###y (Any) }
{ }
{ x0xx###y (Any) }
{ x1xx###y (City) }
{ x2xx###y (Dungeon) }
{ x3xx###y (Forest) }
{ x4xx###y (Mountain) }
{ x5xx###y (Plains) }
{ x6xx###y (Bad Lands) }
{ x7xx###y (Swamp) }
{ x8xx###y (Wild Space/Sky) }
{ x9xx###y (Phlogiston/Sky) }
{ }
{ xx0x###y (Any) }
{ xx1x###y (Water/Port/Lake/Sea/River) }
{ xx2x###y (Artic) }
{ xx3x###y (Desert) }
{ xx4x###y (Tropical) }
{ xx5x###y (Road/Path/Bridge) }
{ xx6x###y (Temperate) }
{ xx7x###y () }
{ xx8x###y () }
{ xx9x###y () }
{ }
{ xxx0###y (Any) }
{ xxx1###y (Sargasso/Magic Dead) }
{ xxx2###y (Asteroids/Collapsed) }
{ xxx3###y () }
{ xxx4###y () }
{ xxx5###y () }
{ xxx6###y () }
{ xxx7###y () }
{ xxx8###y () }
{ xxx8###y () }
{ }
{ ——-y (Sub encounters[similar]) }
TITLE: xxx###y-aaaaa ()
TITLE: 11000010-The Book of Demons (Planet/City/Any/Any, Cursed Object)
OVERVIEW: A thief will try to pawn off a book on the party that
has an entrapped demon bound in its pages.
TRIGGER: The women will try to sell the book to who ever wants to buy it.
She will start by asking 10,000 for the book, but will go as low as 100. She
wants to get some cash so she can leave the city. She will tell them that she
found it in a vault in the sewer.
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see what appears to be a women
dressed in robes waving you over to the alley. Strung over her back is a bound
leather sack.
DM NOTES: The book does radiates a strong magic. Inside the book is a demon
that has been trapped by a powerful wizard. When freed the demon can do one
of two things. Perform an action for the PC’s for freeing it, or it could be
very pissed off and attack the PC’s (This is left upto the DM) The demon will
be freed by opening the book. The book is a heavy book with metal bindings,
and a gold lock keeping it closed(12 gp). She will tell the party that it
teaches you how to summon demons and control them.
KEY: The wizard who is owner of the book is tracking the book. He sees
the PC’s with the books and will hunt them down. Or if the PC’s let the demon
go he will request that they capture it back.
TITLE: 11000011-The Demons Book (Planet/City/Any/Any, Cursed Object)
OVERVIEW: A Demon will try to pawn off a book on the party that will
ensnare and teleport the party to the demons lair.
TRIGGER: The women (demon in disguise) will try to sell the book to who
ever wants to buy it. She will start by asking 1,000 for the book, but will go
as low as 100. The demon wants to sell the book so he can ensnare the party
and use their souls.
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see what appears to be a women
dressed in robes waving you over to the alley. Strung over her back is a bound
leather sack. She is wearing an amulet (that radiates magic) and a small black
dagger stuck in her belt.
DM NOTES: The book does radiates a strong magic. The women will open the
book briefly to show that there is magical writing inside it, but then close
it before they get the chance to read it. After the book is sold the women
leaves (goes back to its lair). When the party starts to read the book it
teleports all within 10′ radius down to the demons lair. The lair is deep
below the city (under the sewers). It is hot and steamy and water(sewer)
seeps down the walls. A red fire light comes from a pit in the center of the
room, next to which the demon is standing. He smiles at the party and then
says “Welcome”. After which he attacks. [Note: this should be for a higher
level party. If not you can have a group of adventures save the party from
the demon. (they were hunting it)]. There is a small chest with treasure in
it from previous people teleported in.
KEY: If the party escapes out through the sewers the demon might
try to hunt them down, or send minons after them.
TITLE: 11000012-The Farmers Book (Planet/City/Any/Any, Cursed Object)
OVERVIEW: A Demon has pawned off a book on a local farmer that will
ensnare and teleport everyone within a set of wards to thy demons lair.
TRIGGER: The party hears a crier (or sees a sign) proclaiming that
the long lost blessed book of ______ has been found! Any who hear its
words will be blessed by fortune and be purged of all evil, etc etc etc,
this is really a clever ploy by the demon to get as many people to come
to the square and hear the farmer read the book, the deamon has placed
magic wards around the square.
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see a young man walking down
the street reading from a scroll in a loug voice, as he approaches you
can here him speak,
“…Eternal Fortune, Wealth, Prosperity, Long life. Those wishing
to hear the words of the eternal, come to the city square at noon
tommorow where the sun shall bless all and all sin will be stripped
from your soals. Those who hear the words from the Blessed Book are
forever blessed. The book may be read but once, then it will return
to it’s creator. Come all and be blessed with Eternal Fortune…”
The criers voice fades as he moves out of sight.
DM’s Notes The “Blessed Book is actually a powerful magic item that
teleports all within a set of magical signs down to the demons lair.
The lair is deep below the city (under the sewers). It is hot and steamy
and water(sewer) seeps down the walls. A red fire light comes from a pit
in the center of the room, next to which the demon is standing. He smiles
at the party and then says “Welcome”. After which he attacks. [Note: this
should be for a higher level party. If not you can have a group of
adventures save the party from the demon. (they were hunting it)]. There
is a small chest with treasure in it from previous people teleported in.
KEY: If the party escapes out through the sewers the demon might
try to hunt them down, or send minons after them. Remember, not only will
the party be fighting to survive, they must rescue all these people and
take them from the abyss after the deamon is defeated, the demon
should retire to avoid total defeat, and the party may have to chase it
and subdue it to get it to send them ALL back (if the just say send us
back, the speaker and two people close to him may get sent back, but no
one else! Remember it is going to twist anything it can. (It should offer
them payment to leave and forget. Meaning it literaly strips the memory
of the entire incident from them.)
POSTED BY: Jared Thaler (ez040915@natasha.ucdavis.edu)
TITLE: 11000013-The Magic Book (Planet/City/Any/Any, Book of Infinite Spells)
OVERVIEW: A thief will try to pawn off a book on the party that is
actually a book of infinite spells
TRIGGER: The women will try to sell the book to who ever wants to buy it.
She will start by asking 10,000 for the book, but will go as low as 100. She
wants to get some cash so she can leave the city. She will tell them that she
found it in a vault in the sewer.
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see what appears to be a women
dressed in robes waving you over to the alley. Strung over her back is a bound
leather sack.
DM NOTES: The book is a Book of Infinite Spells. It was stolen from a local
mage (who will be very pissed off). To limit the balance in getting the book
for such a small value, have many of the pages be blank.
KEY: The wizard who is owner of the book is tracking the book. He sees
the PC’s with the books and will hunt them down. One of the pages could have
a curse on the page, Thus when the PC uses that page (looks like a fly spell)
s/he is cursed. Thus an adventure to remove curse or find out what it is.
TITLE: 11000014-The Magic Absorbing Book (Planet/City/Any/Any, Cursed Book)
OVERVIEW: A thief will try to pawn off a book on the party that is
actually a book of infinite spells, but it sucks the spells out of any
mage who uses it.
TRIGGER: The women will try to sell the book to who ever wants to buy it.
She will start by asking 10,000 for the book, but will go as low as 100. She
wants to get some cash so she can leave the city. She bought it from a man
that was about to die. He said is was valuable, but does not know its true
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see what appears to be a women
dressed in robes waving you over to the alley. Strung over her back is a bound
leather sack.
DM NOTES: The book is a Book of Infinite Spells that instead of allow a
mage to cast spells from it, actually absorbes spells currently memorized by
the mage. If a mage that has no spells currently memorized, then it will allow
the mage to cast the spell on the current page, just as a book of infinite
spells would.
KEY: None
TITLE: 11000020-Mistaken Identity (Planet/City/Any/Any, Accussed)
OVERVIEW: A local nodel was robbed in his coach about an hour ago, and
sees the party. He thinks that one of the members looks like the assailents
and calls for the local guard.
TRIGGER: A merchant walking down the street see the party and stops to
look at them when they walk by. A few steps past he turns and yells Thief!
DESCRIPTION: (Roll 1d6 [1/2 needed] to notice man looking at you) You notice
a man dressed infine clothes stop along side of the road and look your way.
As you pass by him he stares closely at your party. A few steps pass he yells
“Thief!” and points a finger at you! He then starts yelling for the local
guard. (Which are within hearing range)
DM NOTES: The noble is a local respected man. He actually thinks that
the group is part of the robbery team(or at least one member). If the PC’s
try to confront him before the guards get there he moves away. After the
gurads come in the ask the noble to tell them whats wrong. If the PC’s
attack the guards more guards will come and they will be thrown in jail,
or have to escape town! When the Nobel tells the guard of what he thinks
he mentions that the one he thinks is the guy/girl he says that he saw
a tatoo on his left hand. That will clear the PC’s if they dont have a
tatoo. If they do they have a tatoo THEY have to prove their innocence.
KEY: PC’s are hunted by the noble (if they flee). PC’s are bought
dinner as an appolgy and asked if they would help find the robbers (If they
are proved innocent)
TITLE: 12000010-Faster,Stronger,Better! A Kobold??? (Planet/Dungeon/Any/Any, Super Kobold)
OVERVIEW: A kobold looking for trouble accosts the party. He’s
tougher than he looks!
TRIGGER: The party is walking along a dungeon when they come across
a kobold decked out in plate mail (a little to big, was for a dwarf) and
long sword (used two handed).
DESCRIPTION: The party is walking along a dungeon and a lone Kobold decked
out in plate mail and wielding a long sword like a two handed sword comes
around the corner. He looks surprised and runs back out of view. The party
members should scoff at this. But then the Kobold comes screaming around the corner in a charge at the party. The party will notice that the Kobold is a
strange color of blue now and no longer struggles carrying the armor.
DM NOTES: The Kobold is a particulaly large specimen. So much so that he
can wear A Dwarfs Plate mail but barely. This guy had the fortune to come
across a Dwarf that and fallen victem to a deadly trap. The Dwarf had lot’s
of loot on him. Specifically a ring and lots of potions. The Kobold sipped
a few of the potions luckly surviving the miscablility table results. But
he did figure out what most of them did. The potions he found were: A Potion
of Storm Giant strength, A Potion of Super Heroism, A Potion of Speed. The
Ring he now wears is a vampiric ring of The Kobold has swollowed all of the
potions at once! He now has 34 HP, He now moves 12 instead of 6, Attacks 2
times around with a THAC0 of 15, Doing d8+12 points of damage with each attack
He can lift 1235 pounds so can easily pick up characters and through them.
The Super Heroism will wear off in 14 round so his THAC0 will drop to 20 but
the damage stays the same. The only side effect due to the miscibility is a
strange color of blue to the skin. This is permanent though other effects
will wear off. The DM may choose to make the miscibility a lethal combination
and the Kobold will die if the party can’t handle this.
KEY: When the party is feeling particularly cocky and will scoff at
attacking a lone kobold.
POSTED BY: ShadowMaster (jcarl@pizza.ess.harris.com)
TITLE: 13000010-Road Side Encounter (Planet/Forest/Any/Any, Treants)
OVERVIEW: While camping by the road one night not far from a town the PCs are
attacked by 3 Evil Treants.
TRIGGER: The treants wait till the PCs are asleep. Middle of night and any
fires are put out.
DESCRIPTION: (Durnig a watch) You feel a light breeze. The sound of tree
branches swaying in the wind. You think you see somthing move in the dim
moon light, you strain your eyes, but it turns out to be only a tree.
You turn your head back to check on the resting group, when you are
struck from behind…
DM NOTES: The treants will attack from all sides trying to seperate the party
into the dark woods. There are also 3 wolves close by hunting in the night if
the PC’s gain too much of an advantage too quickly.
KEY: Stuck within the hollow of one of the treants is a scroll case.
Inside is a map (DM supply map) to a treasure site.
TITLE: 14200010-Just in Time (Planet/Mountain/Artic/Any, Frozen Treasure)
OVERVIEW: While the party is travelling the come across another group
of adventures, that have met with a different fate!
TRIGGER: Travelling in some artic mountains the party comes across a
group of frozen adventures.
DESCRIPTION: As you make your way across the white baren snow you notice
a dark colored mound about 30′ ahead of you. [After Investigating] After
digging at the snow you come across a charred wood shelter. Most of the
wood has obviously burned away, but yet the snow covering the shelter
formed a bubble. Thus you devise that the fire happened after the snow
covered it. Inside the burnt out shelter you see the corpse of two dead
humanoids. The one body is wearing platemail and the second body is
lying ontop of a wooden box. Inside the box you find the diary of the
wizard “Zarule”.
DM NOTES: It was a fight between two wizards and a fighter. They had
recently found (while exploring) a powerful magic item. The item was
cursed, which turned one mage against the other two. One night while
they were camping, he put up a Wall of Force in a dome just as the other
mage was casting a Fire Ball. The snow fell on the Wall of Force and
created the snow dome. Also hidden within the shelter the party will
find a few provisions. These can be anything that will aid the party
if they are stranded.
KEY: The Party might want to go after the other wizard to try
to get the item. Or take revenge for the dead wizard and fighter.
DIARY NOTES: The cold is killing us. If we had not found the “Tooth of
Varlen” the other day I think I would of killed Jofa myself….Jofa is
changing. He wont let the tooth out of his hand and his eyes are falling
into their sockets…
TITLE: 14000020-Crash Landing (Planet/Mountain/Any/Any, Wyvern Down)
OVERVIEW: An injured wyvern is found that has stolen a chest from
a passing caravan.
TRIGGER: While travelling in the mountains(preferably not on a popular
road or path)
DESCRIPTION: While travelling in the mountains you hear some noises off
to your side. [A few seconds later] You hear the noises again. It seems
to be coming from over behind some rocks. [If they investigate] You climb
over a few large boulders and before you, you see in somewhat of a crumpled
mess a small dragon. And its staring right at you! It apparently is a bit
injured, because there is blood scattered about the rocks around it, and
its far wing is bent over in a way that it should not be! Also several bolts
and arrows are pertruding from its scales!
DM NOTES: The wyvern(not dragon) had attacked a caravan that was passing
a few miles away. It was for the most part successful, in that it grabbed
a large chest off on of the wagons, but it was severely injured. It was
able to fly away from the caravan, but crashed here in the moutains. The
chest is beneeth it. It can only use its mouth attack if the party stays
in front, otherwise it can use its tail from behind. (because its injured
only give it 1/3 of its hit points) If the party kills it and search under
it they will find the chest. It has broken open and there are 250gp, 120pp,
and 2 gems worth 100gp each. Also in a another smaller chest is a crown
worth 2500gp. The crown has a sigel on it of a local nobel. It was being
given as a gift to another nobel as a wedding dowry. If returned the local
nobel will be a good friend (future favors) and pay them 500gp total. If
they try to sell it there is a 25% chance that it is reckonize it and be
reported to the authorities as thieves! If for some chance they save the
wyvern (It is a true neutral being) then it will gladly give the party the
chest, and all, plus it will return back to its lair, and give them each
a small magic item (wand [few charges], ring +1, sword +1, etc…).
KEY: They could be arrested as theives. The wyverns mate will
definitly want revenge against those who killed it.
TITLE: 14000021-Crashed, but not out! (Planet/Mountain/Any/Any, Dragon Down)
OVERVIEW: An injured dragon is found that has stolen a chest from
a passing caravan.
TRIGGER: While travelling in the mountains(preferably not on a popular
road or path)
DESCRIPTION: While travelling in the mountains you hear some noises off
to your side. [A few seconds later] You hear the noises again. It seems
to be coming from over behind some rocks. [If they investigate] You climb
over a few large boulders and before you, you see in somewhat of a crumpled
mess a small dragon. And its staring right at you! It apparently is a bit
injured, because there is blood scattered about the rocks around it, and
its far wing is bent over in a way that it should not be! Also several bolts
and arrows are pertruding from its scales!
DM NOTES: The dragon was recovering a chest that was stolen from its
lair by an evil adventuring party. It was for the most part successful,
in that it was able to recover the chest, but it was severely injured. It was
able to fly away from the caravan, but crashed here in the moutains. The
chest is beneeth it. It can only use its mouth attack if the party stays
in front, otherwise it can use its tail from behind. (because its injured
only give it 1/3 of its hit points) If the party kills it and search under
it they will find the chest. It has broken open and there are 250gp, 120pp,
and 2 gems worth 100gp each. Also in a another smaller chest is a crown
worth 2500gp. A wand of magic missles (5 charges) is hidden in the bottom of
the chest! If for some chance they save the dragon, then it will gladly give
the party the chest.
KEY: The party might be in need of a friendly dragon in the future.
(eg: an evil dragon attacks the party and the gold dragon comes to the save
the party)
POSTED BY: This idea was actually from another poster, forgot his name.
If he sends it to me I will make sure to include it in the net book! Sorry!
TITLE: 14000022-Fake Injury (Planet/Mountain/Any/Any, Dragon Trap)
OVERVIEW: An red dragon is polymorphed as a gold dragon that is hurt. It
is trying to lure the party close so it can attack by suprise!
TRIGGER: While travelling in the mountains(preferably not on a popular
road or path)
DESCRIPTION: While travelling in the mountains you hear some noises off
to your side. [A few seconds later] You hear the noises again. It seems
to be coming from over behind some rocks. [If they investigate] You climb
over a few large boulders and before you, you see in somewhat of a crumpled
mess a small dragon. And its staring right at you! It apparently is a bit
injured, because there is blood scattered about the rocks around it, and
its far wing is bent over in a way that it should not be! Also several bolts
and arrows are pertruding from its scales!
DM NOTES: The dragon is actually polymorphed into a gold dragon that looks
hurt, but is not. It wants to lure the party in to try to get a suprise attack
on it.
KEY: There is no treasure local, but its lair is on the other side
of the mountain (10% chance of finding if not a ranger). Its mate is very,
very pissed off!
TITLE: 15000010-Stampede! (Planet/Plains/Any/Any, Animal Stampede)
OVERVIEW: Stampeding Buffalo’s through party
TRIGGER: Party can either be travelling or camping, and the Buffalo
stampede path runs into party!
DESCRIPTION: Off in the distance you hear a low thunder! You look in the
direction of the sound and you see a set of low clouds moving your way.
[A few minutes later] As the thunder grows louder and the clouds move
closer you see a small black object moving along the ground towards you!
[Let party take action] As it moves even closer you notice that its not
just one object, but rather a mass of objects (animals) running! Stampede!
DM NOTES: The stampede was started by a vilian who is charging the
buffalo towards a local town. The party should have a few rounds to either
try to get out of the way (not likly because they are running in a long line)
or prepare for the charge. If the party is unprotected when the buffalos
arrive they will be trampled. (15d6 damage). They party can try to divert
the buffalos away by scaring (casting spells in front of them. (reduce the
charging damage by 1d6 for each spell level cast (eg: Fireball will reduce
damage by 3d6 if cast before they reach party) (for lower level party just
reduce the damage) (also illusions will work) The stampeding buffalos will
run past party in the direction of a town. Above the stampede (in the air)
is a wizard that is hearding the buffalos towards the town. He is behind the
dust cloud so is hard to see (Even if they are looking up!). [If want to
change buffalos to a more exotic creatures – go ahead]
KEY: This is a good feeder, in that if the party is heading towards
the town that is in the path; then the town will be in ruins when the party
finally reaches it. The towns folk will try to hire the party to find out
what caused the stampede. A few locals might have seen the wizard floating
in the sky and then head off the way he came.
TITLE: 17000010-Hand of Silver (Planet/Swamp/Any/Any, Magic Found)
OVERVIEW: The party comes across a group of dead adventures, where
they find a magical hand.
TRIGGER: While travelling through a swamp the party stumbles across
an old battle site.
DESCRIPTION: Wading through the swamp you see dry land up ahead. A few
fallen logs and a large dead stump pertrude from the dry mound. As you get
closer you notice a fallen body lying behind one of the logs. Looking
around you then notice several arrows stuck in trees. Walking towards the
earth mound you stumble over a submerged body of a warrior. Trecking up
onto the mound you notice two other bodies lying face down in the mud.
DM NOTES: This was an adventuring party that was attacked by a local
group of lizardmen. They have stripped the bodies of anything valuable. If
the party searches the bodies, they find a fighter that has a left hand
covered with a long glove. If they remove the glove the see a silver hand
attached just above the wrist. The hand is made of pure silver. If it is
removed from the body it immediatly attaches itself to the holder replacing
the left arm(75%) or right arm(25%). If either hand is already missing it
will replace that one first. Once attached(old limb is severed off and falls
to the ground) it cannot be taken off until death. It functions as a normal
hand with no penalties at all. It has a normal strength of weilder, but
is conductive of electricity giving the wearer a minus two (-2) to saves
vs electrical attacks. In return it is immune to fire of any type. This is
the hand only and does not confer it to the wearer. In a hand attack it
acts as a silver weapon +1 and does 1d4+1 damage.
KEY: The lizardmen that attacked the first party might attack the
party. There is a local lizardman tribe close by.
TITLE: 21100010-Last Survivor (Spelljammer/City/Port/Any, Setup)
OVERVIEW: Illithids set a trap for an adventuring group
TRIGGERS: PC’s approach the sailor
DESCRIPTION: At the bar you see a drunken sailor stooped on a stool leaning
over the end of the bar. His mug is half full and most of what he is drinking
he spills over himself. Every once in a while he raises his head and yells
“Illithids boarding us captain!” or “The helms out captain, Were going down”
DM NOTES: If the PC’s approach the sailor and start talking to him. He will
tell them how he was aboard the “Fast Approach” passing by a nearby asteroid
field with a cargo of fine silks, and paintings when a illithid ship attacked
them from behind a asteroid. The battle was going OK until the illithids used
there probability travel to board the “Fast Approach”. The ship went down on
a asteroid. Barth. The sailor was soon rescued by a passing elven man-a-war.
None of the cargo was recovered. (In fact the illithids reprogrammed Barths
mind to think of that story. There is no ship. The illithids are just waiting
for a group of adventures to try to find the cargo. where they can attack.)
KEY: Barth (if healed of brin wash) actually knows of a lost ship
TITLE: 30000010-The Traveller (Any/Any/Any/Any, Time Traveller)
OVERVIEW: The traveller meets the party the first time.
TRIGGER: The party can be doing anything, from resting to fighting,
and it can occur any where from an alley to a forest to a mountain top.
DESCRIPTION: All of a sudden you see a bright light appear about 10′
in front of you. When the light dims you see a spherical bubble with a
man sitting in a metal chair that has all types of contraptions mounted
on the sides… He looks and you for a moment then says greetings..
DM NOTES: This is a time/space traveller, that can be used in an
on-going campaign. (This should be the first meeting though) The traveller
created a time/space warp machine that allows him to travel around to
different universes/spheres/worlds/times. The only problem is that he can
never leave the bubble except in his own time. He does have a built in
transporter that allows him to transfer non-living objects (no larger than
a basket ball) in and out of the bubble. He will greet the party and ask
the usual questions as where he is/ who they are/ what is happening/ what
has happened/ etc… He is a historian that wants to see all time. He
does not age while in the bubble.
KEY: If they are friendly he will give them a communicator
that will allow the party to talk one way to him through time/space. This
will allow him to know what is happening, and if need be(or wants) he
can come back and view the time-line. This can be a help for the party/DM
in that sometimes he can tell what the future is like because of a certain
action the party might be taking. Thus killing off the Kobolds will eventually
destroy mankind… Or he might be able to tell what happened in the past as
to give the party reference to some point. He will not(because he cant) go
to a specific time/place (thus the party can’t ask him to check out something
in the future and then tell them what happens) He can only do general time/
space shifts. Thus you (DM) can have him appear when you want, and have him
check up on the party. Or he can come back and tell them what has happened
or what would of happened if they did a certain action. (eg: The party asks
him to check out an action they are about to perform. He leaves, then 20 days
later he might appear and tell them what actually happened, or what might of
happened if they did it in the opposite action, He went to a different reality
to find out what happened)
TITLE: 30500010-You met a what? (Any/Any/Road/Any, Dragon Encounter)
OVERVIEW: The party is travelling along a road/path when they meet up
with a polymorphed dragon.
TRIGGER: The dragon approaches the party. He is sitting along side the
road that the party is travelling on.
DESCRIPTION: While travelling along the road you see an lone figure sitting
on a rock along side the road. As you approach you notice that its an old
man. As you get even nearing he raises his head and looks your way. Beside
him you notice a small sack and a quarter staff lying on the ground.
DM NOTES: The old man is actually a polymorphed dragon. He has a lair
not far from hear and from time to time checks out his land. He does this
by chagining into a travelling man/women or animal and travels along the
roads. If people are nice to him then he lets them go on their way, otherwise
if they seem rude or hostile then he leaves the party and watches them from
a distance. If they harm anyone then he will try to interfer. First he will
try to do it without getting directly involved, but if that doesn’t work then
he may make an appearence. (only if he knows he cant get killed). If they are
nice to him then he will travel along the road with them for a day or two and
then depart heading into the woods.
KEY: If the party is nice (or maybe just one or two of them) he could
become an ally. He will not reveal himself to be a dragon, but as a old wizard.
He may tell the party of a local area of trouble (orcs/raiders) or something
where they could collect the treasure.
TITLE: 31000010-Illegal Ore Cargo. (Any/City/Any/Any, Smugglers)
OVERVIEW: Smuggling of illegal cargo into a city
TRIGGER: The group of smugglers see the PC’s as they pass the alley and
are afraid that they are the local police. Thus they drop the Box. If the
PC’s ignore it they come back in ten minutes and finish the move.
DESCRIPTION: The PC’s are walking past an alley when the see several figures
down the alley moving a heavy box. The figures notice the PC’s and drop the
box and run!
DM NOTES: If the PCs explore the alley they wil find that the box has broken
open. The figures that were carrying the box are all gone. (Though they will
soon return with a total of 8 men [appropriate level for a good fight] – They
thought the PC’s were town guards) Inside the box is a large quantity of rare
ore from a local (planet/island) that is protected from trade agreements. If
try to sell the ore the will be arrested. The ore if processed will make a
+1 steel for making weapons, but has a green tint to it. and is easy to
enchant (thus it is valuable).
KEY: If the PC’s report the metal to the local authorities they will
ask the PC’s to explore the local (planet/island) to find the base that has
exporting the metal illegally.
TITLE: 31000020-Food for Naught (Any/City/Any/Any, Food Poisoning)
OVERVIEW: PC’s are eating at a local establishment where nobles and
dignitaries frequent. The food is poisoned!
TRIGGER: The PC’s are eating at the establishment, there are also several
local nobles currently at the establishment.
DESCRIPTION: Your meal arrives and you start eating when you notice a man fall
from his chair seated at the table to your side. The man sitting next to him
grabs his throat and starts to choke. You look down at your food and wonder?
DM NOTES: The food is intended to poison the local nobles and kill them. If
the PC’s make their save they are not effected by the poison (if they are high
level then make the save with a minus). If they fail the save then they start
to choke and in 10+1d10 rounds they will die. It will be easy if the party
has a cleric in the group, otherwise you might want to put a church down the
street that has the ability to save them. But make it cost them! Either a
favor to the church or a large amount of money. (NOTE: This is not intended
to kill the PC’s just a fun encounter, but stupid thinking never stops death!)
If they also save the Nobels that have eaten the poison they will reward the
party with a 100gp (total) and ask them to find the would-be killers.
KEY: If the PC’s save the nobles they will ask/hire them to search
out who poisoned the food. Or the PC’s may think that it was an arch villian
that tried to poison them.
TITLE: 31000030-Lions, Hamsters and Gnomes, Oh-my! (Any/City/Any/Any, Escape)
OVERVIEW: A Gnome circus is in town and the Giant Space Hamsters have
broken out of their cages.
TRIGGER: Three giant space hamsters have broken out of their cages, and
have started destroying everything around them.
DESCRIPTION: From down the street you hear faint yells! A few seconds later
the yells get louder and several scared mothers grab their children and head
for the small allyways. You then see two large fury creatures bounding towards
you! Further down the street you see another large fury creature knocking over
a caged wagon! A few seconds later two lions jump oout of the broken wagon
and attack the fury creature(sort of looks like a large 10′ tall mouse!). An
unfortunate mother and child get knocked to the ground in the scramble!
DM NOTES: The local Gnome circus is in town along with their famous giant
space hamsters. Someone has unlocked the cage they were in and they have
started causing alot of trouble! Two are bounding down the street trying to
get away, while the third is attacking the lion cage wagon that was next to
them. If left alone the hamster will be able to kill one of the lions, but
the other lions will finish of the hamster in 2d4 rounds. The child will
most likely die if not saved! (Good instigator for a paladin) The other two
hamsters will charge down the streets knocking over wagons, carts, booths
until either cornered or sedated (prefered by the gnomes) or killed! Gnomes
are running all about trying to get ropes on both the lions and lone hamster
while a crew of 4 head of after the two escaping!
KEY: Circus Owners want the party to try to find out who let the
hamsters escape! They will pay 100gp per head who help!
TITLE: 31000040-Lots of Land (Any/City/Any/Any, Land)
OVERVIEW: Local merchant selling land, that may not be available!
TRIGGER: Party is in the merchant district/bazar and a man from a
booth calls them over.
DESCRIPTION: Walking down the busy street you hear the usual sellers
screams and shouts! Then above all you hear a booming voice “Hey Fine
Sir!” “Hey Fine Sir!”, as you look to see where the voice is coming you
notice a fat gentlemen standing behind a stand! Layed across the top of
the stand you see various maps and drawing. Catching his eye he waves
you over towards his stand.
DM NOTES: The merchants name is Valorous. He is selling land deeds!
Valorous actually has proper deeds to MOST (not all) of his land. He
sells the deeds as squaters rights (the buyers have to establish a fixed
building on the land). The problem is that he is selling multiple deeds
to the same lot. Thus you can have several owners trying to setup on
the same land. Also musch of the land is very hostile in that there are
raiders, monsters, etc out there. There is a 20% chance that the lot of
land is false (either does not exist or does not leagally have the rights
to sell the land). (There is a 30% chance that the land is legal, but is
worth less. Swamp!)
KEY: If the land is false then the party may try to hunt down
Valorous (he has moved onto the next town/city). Or they might try to
establish a land holding. (I would make the land very hostile) This would
lead to the party trying to clear the land.
TITLE: 31000050-Dancing Thieves (Any/City/Any/Any, Thieves)
OVERVIEW: While in town the party sees a beautiful girl dancing in the
streets, while 2 invisible thieves pick pocket the party.
TRIGGER: The party passes the girl dancing in the street.
DESCRIPTION: While walking down the street you see a circle of people
standing around a girld dancing. You can barley see her, but from all the
screams and yells, you know she must be putting on some show! [If the
try to get a better look at her] You see the most beautiful girl you have
ever seen. You stare at her with wonder.
DM NOTES: If the party trys to get a better look at her they must save
versus paralyzation (Elves use their resistance to charm (-20%)) with a -4.
Working the crowd are two invisible thieves. If a memeber of the party does
save then there is a 20% chance s/he might be targeted (use a normal PP
roll to see if it succeeds). If the save is failed then there is a 85% chance
that they are targeted (no PP roll needed). The thieves take only small items
from the party (Keys/gold/gems/wands/rings/etc) [This is a good way to remove
a few small items from a party or to start another adventure because something
important was stolen]. After about an hour of this the group leaves.
KEY: The party might try to go after the group to get back their items.
The local authorities will ask the party to hunt them down. 50gp / head.
TITLE: 31000060-All in the beholders eye (Any/City/Temperate/Any, Beholder)
OVERVIEW: The party runs across a beholder eating a evil humanoid.
TRIGGER: The party is passing by (or through) a dark alley.
DESCRIPTION: About 20′ in front of you you notice a large spherical orb
floating over the remains of a man. Sticking out of the orb you see what
appears to be a arm, attached to the top of the orb are several tenticals
pointing about in different directions. To the right of the half eaten body
you see another body (possibly female) lying face down. As you stop to look
and the grewsome picture it stops chewing and turns a large pick eye towards
DM NOTES: The beholder is actually a friendly beholder that has been
exiled from its clan. It is normally polymorphed into a half-elf and
lives above a local tavern. The only problem is that to fully eat it needs
to convert back to its natural form. It also is picky about who it eats!
The current victim was a thief attacking the down women (who is still alive,
just unconsious) (She will tell the story of the attacker if given the chance)
The beholder will not attack, and even try to escape if attacked. It will
explain to the party what has happened if given the chance.
KEY: If the party does not kill the beholder, it will try to make
friends with them. It knows many secrets about the town, and may be able to
help the party in the future. It will ask the party to keep its identity a
secret for fear for its life, and will offer the party a map that it found
on one of its victims as a bribe! Beholder is LN in alignment.
TITLE: 31000061-All in the beholders mouth (Any/City/Temperate/Any, Beholder)
OVERVIEW: The party runs across a beholder eating a humanoid.
TRIGGER: The party is passing by (or through) a dark alley.
DESCRIPTION: About 20′ in front of you you notice a large spherical orb
floating over the remains of a man. Sticking out of the orb you see what
appears to be a arm, attached to the top of the orb are several tenticals
pointing about in different directions. To the right of the half eaten body
you see another body (possibly female) lying face down. As you stop to look
and the grewsome picture it stops chewing and turns a large pick eye towards
DM NOTES: The beholder is actually a scout beholder that has been scouting
the local city, to prepare for a takeover. The beholder will attack on sight,
and will try to eliminate any witnesses. If has to escape it will float off,
and when out of sight will polymoprh into a small human child. It will then
follow the party and attack them when they are uprepared.
KEY: If the party does not kill the beholder, and it is too much for
the beholder to handle, then it will send for others. Who will stalk the
party and city!
TITLE: 31000062-In the eye of the beholder (Any/City/Temperate/Any, Dragon)
OVERVIEW: The party runs across a beholder(dragon) eating a humanoid.
TRIGGER: The party is passing by (or through) a dark alley.
DESCRIPTION: About 20′ in front of you you notice a large spherical orb
floating over the remains of a man. Sticking out of the orb you see what
appears to be a arm, attached to the top of the orb are several tenticals
pointing about in different directions. To the right of the half eaten body
you see another body (possibly female) lying face down. As you stop to look
and the grewsome picture it stops chewing and turns a large pick eye towards
DM NOTES: The beholder is actually a polymorphed red dragon that lives in
the city. It will use spells first, then use its breath weapon. At this point
the party should assume that it may not be a beholder. If it turns back into
its normal form it will fill the alley. But it will only do this in a last
ditch effort. It can only levitate up and down (2nd level spell).
KEY: If the party does not kill the dragon it will try to escape,
letting the party think that it was actually a beholder attacking!
TITLE: 31100010-Merchant Muging (Any/City/Port/Any, Muggers)
OVERVIEW: Muggers attacking a local merchant in alley
TRIGGERS: The thugs will attack the party if they interfere.
DESCRIPTION: As you walk by an alley you hear a scream from the darkness of
the alley. As they approach you see two people bent over a third.
DM NOTES: If the PC’s investigate they will find two thugs armed with
daggers robbing a local merchant. The merchant has been stabbed and is about
to die. (Bleed at 2hps for 3 rounds will put him at 0HP -Dead unconscious).
If the PC’s save the merchants life he will offer to give them transport to any
known (Spelljammer) port. Free of charge. or 5000gp. He has on him 35gp, 4pp,
18sp 6cp. A ring 250gp. A charter to pick up a cargo at a local port and
deliver it to an asteroid belt for 20,000gp.
KEY: If the PC’s pick up the cargo and deliver it. they will find out
that the reciepients of the cargo are Scro! The cargo is full of 5 med
ballista bolts +1.
TITLE: 33000010-Free Scrap Metal (Any/Forest/Any/Any, Meteor)
OVERVIEW: During the night a meteor crashes down near the party.
This hunk of space steel could be very valuable to the right buyer.
TRIGGER: The PC’s are camped out for the night in a forest not
too far from a small city.
DESCRIPTION: The watchman set up for the night sees a bright
streak, like a falling star, but much, much brighter. The ensuing
roar and crash wakes the rest of the party. It must have landed
nearby. Is this a gift from the gods?
DM NOTES: As the PC’s approach the area where they think the
meteor fell, they notice that there is a clearing up ahead. The
impact of the meteor has destroyed a small chunk of the surrounding
forest. When they reach the site, a deep voice says, “Hello there.”
It is only then that they notice a huge gold dragon surveying the
impact as well. If the PC’s attack, they may be in for some trouble –
the dragon is huge and ancient. If the PC’s talk, the dragon is
polite. The dragon knows no more about the meteor than the PC’s.
The meteor is cool to the touch by the time the PC’s arrive, despite
its fiery journey. The meteor would bring a nice sum of money in
the nearby city for its fine metal.
KEY: The PC’s should have no real way of carrying the
meteor and no way of cutting it either. If they befriend the dragon
and offer it a substantial reward, it could carry the meteor to
the city. The meteor offers fine steel and may be used to make
magical weapons and armor. The dragon will want at least half of
the meteorite’s value to carry it to the city.
POSTED BY: Matt Carlson (matthew@rainbow.uchicago.edu) (mcarlson@nmsu.edu)
TITLE: 33000011-Scrap Metal is Free (Any/Forest/Any/Any, Golem)
OVERVIEW: During the night a meteor crashes down near the party.
Its actually a iron golem that is from a spelljamming ship that crashed.
DESCRIPTION: The watchman set up for the night sees a bright
streak, like a falling star, but much, much brighter. The ensuing
roar and crash wakes the rest of the party. It must have landed
nearby. Is this a gift from the gods?
DM NOTES: The meteor is actually a iron golem that was on a spelljamming
ship. The ship entered the atmosphere out of control and burned up all
that was aboard, The only thing that did not burn up was the golem. As the
PC’s approach the area where they think the meteor fell, they notice that
there is a clearing up ahead. The impact of the golem has destroyed a small
chunk of the surrounding forest. The golem was under the control of a wizard
that was on the ship. It was controled by an circlet(crown), which did not
burn up if the crash, but is several hundred feet away, under a tree.
The golem, no longer under the control of the master will attack all living
creatures on sight. If the PC’s flee it will roam around the woods until
it finds more to kill. Inside the golem is a gem worth 30,000gp that
contains the summoned soul.
KEY: If the circlet is found then it should be damaged, thus
requiring the party to get it fixed (It should take a vast amount of money).
If they just leave it alone then it will eventually attack a nearby village
or city (Remind paladins of this possibility).
TITLE: 33000020 Oh, How they Danced (Any/Forest/Any/Any, Dance)
OVERVIEW: The PC’s set up camp not far from a clearing. A wild
dance begins in the clearing around midnight.
TRIGGER: The PC’s are camped out in a wood not far from a small
meadow. Around midnight strange sounds are heard and a fire is lit
in the clearing.
DESCRIPTION: The party is awakened by an eerie music played not
far away. As the PC’s rouse themselves, the notice a bonfire has
been lit in the nearby clearing. If the party listens carefully,
they can just make out bits of a song – in goblin.
DM NOTES: As the PC’s approach the area where the bonfire is
they see about twenty goblins dancing around a fire pit heaped
high with deadwood. The flames are reaching high into the air, and
a loud crackling can be heard as the wood burns. All of the goblins
are colorfully painted and ornamented but otherwise naked, and
bearing wineskins only. The goblins are actually not goblins, but
followers of Dionysis (or some similar god) wished into goblin
form (even to the extent of speech).
KEY: If the party parleys, there will be no response
until the dance is over, an hour before dawn. If the party attacks
all will flee. If the party waits, the goblins will leave once
the dance is finished, unless approached. Those who speak goblin
may learn what the goblins are and that an LN wizard wished the
dancers into this form as punishment for their chaotic tendencies.
Little save another wish can aid their plight.
POSTED BY: Matt Carlson (matthew@rainbow.uchicago.edu) (mcarlson@nmsu.edu)
TITLE: 33000021 Oh, How they Danced (Any/Forest/Any/Any, Fairy Dance)
OVERVIEW: The PC’s set up camp not far from a clearing. A wild
dance begins in the clearing around midnight.
TRIGGER: The PC’s are camped out in a wood not far from a small
meadow. Around midnight strange sounds are heard and strange lights
are seen coming from within the clearing.
DESCRIPTION: The party is awakened by an eerie music played not
far away. As the PC’s rouse themselves, the notice twinkling lights
in the nearby clearing. If an elven party member listens carefully,
they can just make out bits of a song – in Fairy, Sprite, or other
such type.
DM NOTES: The clearing is a Fairy Ring. The periodic dances
start here, but can travel anywhere and last for days/months/years.
The players will have access to Fairy Food, but if they consume any,
they lose their save versus the dance. If they don’t consume any
fairy food, they can choose to join in, or make a save to stop from
being “charmed” into the dance. Those who fail to save or chose to
join will be in the dance until it ends. A DM can use this tool to
easily shift the players in time (forward only) or place (so long as
there is a path that does not cross running water between where the
PC’s get caught in the dance and where it ends). There are many
different kinds of Fairy Folk usually involved and they are usually
inclined to talk to anyone who has joined the dance. After the
dance has completed, the players should have a growth of hair/beard
to match the length of time the dance lasted.
KEY: If the party joins willingly, they can learn a lot of
interesting stuff from the Fairies (examples: Location of monsters,
details about terrain, myths or legends, how to ferment “Fairy Fire”)
If a person is “charmed” into the dance unwillingly, the Fairies will
delight in teasing/tormenting them (depending on how nasty the DM
likes to run Fairies). The Fairies who enjoy the PC’s may give them
some token: a dram of Leprechaun Brandy, which could be sold for
comparitively large sums to other alcoholic drinks; a fancy carved
piece of jewelry; or other worthwhile gift for being good sports.
Those who saved and didn’t get caught in the dance will see it “fade”
in the morning light, taking with it their comrades, possibly
leaving them alone in the wilderness. If they want, the PC’s can
bring their animals (Fairies love additional dancers and aren’t
biased against animals…;-).
POSTED BY: Jeff Hildebrand (jrah@ssec.honeywell.com)
TITLE: 33000030-The Running Unicorn (Any/Forest/Any/Any, Ambush)
OVERVIEW: Kobold Witchdoctor uses illusion of a unicorn to lead party
into ambush!
TRIGGER: Party is either travelling through forest or resting.
DESCRIPTION: About 40 feet from you you notice a pure white horse eating
from a grass patch. It looks towards you, and you notice the long silver
horn ontop of its forehead. It takes off at a gallop into the woods.
DM NOTES: The unicorn is actually an illusion made by a Witchdoctor
Kobold. The unicorn will run off through the woods past where the kobolds
have set up several traps! In the nearby trees are several archers waiting
for the party to enter the trap area. The witch doctor has a wand of magic
missles (5 charges left), and a ring of protection (any +)
KEY: If the kobolds start to lose they will run aways leading the
party back to the kobold camp, where there should be a bunch more kobolds.
There will also be many traps and other archers waiting back at camp.
TITLE: 33080010-The Ambush (Any/Forest/Any/Magic Dead, Kobold Ambush)
OVERVIEW: The Kobolds know about this section of forest that is a anti
magic area. Thus they have set up traps to ambush the party.
TRIGGER: The party is going through the woods when they enter the area
that is anit magic, they get ambushed!
DESCRIPTION: You are walking through the woods when infront of you up
pops a branch fence. Quickly turning your just in time to see another branch
fence popup behind you!
DM NOTES: The kobolds have found a magic dead area, and have set up a
trap of branch fences to corral the party. The fences are 6′ and will take
2+1d4 rounds to cut through or 1+1d4 rounds to climb over/through. The
kobolds have perches setup in the trees where they will fire arrows down
into the corral. Note: no spells will work for the party as will no magic
items, like protection rings/armor, and stoneskins, etc… Thus the kobolds
should have easy targets against the party. The kobolds also have several wild
dogs they let lose to attack any one who may try to climb over/through the
KEY: The party hunts down the kobolds. The magic dead area is created
by a rare rock that is hidden beneath the ground.
TITLE: 33100010-The Fishing Bear (Any/Forest/River/Any, Beholder)
OVERVIEW: The drinking bear is a decoy for a beholder, that is
waiting in hiding to ambush the party.
TRIGGER: The party either tries to cross the river, or is camping
near the river.
DESCRIPTION: Upon coming to the river you hear some splashing up stream.
Turning you notice a bear rummaging in the water. Its a large bear, but
its currently between two a few fallen logs, and a dirt mound on the far
bank. [If they move closer] It still hasn’t noticed the party yet, and
as you move closer you notice the smell of dead flesh! Looking about
you see a pile of fish decaying away on the beach.
DM NOTES: The bear is actually dead, and is being animated by a
beholder behi9nd the fallen logs. It is waiting for the party to get a
little closer and then attack them from the side. Its using its TK to
move the bear around in the water. The smell is actually the bear rotting
KEY: The beholder has a stash of treasure from other partys that
have fallen to the trap hidden on the far side of the dirt mound. Inside
a scroll tube is a map to the beholders clan.
TITLE: 37400010-Rat Infested Derelict(Any/Swamp/Tropical/Any, WereRats)
OVERVIEW: The party is travelling through a swamp when the come across
an old ship stuck in the middle of the swamp. A group of Wererats have
taken up home to the ship and want to keep it.
TRIGGER: The party is walking through the swamp and hear noises from
in the distance.
DESCRIPTION: Wading through the swamp you suddenly stop. Listening closer
you hear shouts, and cheers from deeper in the swamp. [As they get closer]
As you approach the noises get louder and louder. You also notice that the
water is getting deeper and deeper as you approach the noise. [In sight of
the ship] As you pear through the mist you see what appears to be an old
sailing ship. Yet you wonder how it ever got here inthe middle of the swamp.
The noises you can now hear clearly are the shouts of humanoids cheering
on some type of competition. You also notice may small rats swimming around
the water, and climbing trees, trying to get out of your way.
DM NOTES: The ship is actually an old spelljamming ship that landed here
in the swamp. On the far side on the ship is a big hole that is somewhat
boarded up (from a big fight in space) The ship landed here trying to
repair itself when it was attacked by a wererat. Soon the whole ship was
infested by the creature. The noises are coming from the interior of the
ship where a restling match is going on between a wererat and a were
Crocodile(it was infested years ago in a match). All the inhabitants of
the ship are currently at the match (set the number to appropriate size
to put up a good fight against party – min 5 + croc) The main leader will
flee if it gets too bad for his group. He mainly sits on a large stone
throne in the ship(which can be a working helm if you want) A stash of
treasure is hidden deep in the bowels of the ship.
KEY: Spelljamming helm to reach the stars(a nice way to get party
into spelljamming). Also one of the players could get infected with
lyncanthropy(must find a cure).
TITLE: 37400020-The Hunt (Any/Swamp/Tropical/Any, Lizardman Hunt)
OVERVIEW: The party comes across a semi-civilized lizardman tribe in
the middle of the swamp. The lizarmen setup a hunt to track down the party.
TRIGGER: The party can either stumble across a lizardman scout party who
will flee back to camp, the party can come across the lizardman camp (this
is better if it is a stronger party)
DESCRIPTION: [Lizardman scout party] Walking through the swamp you hear some
noises off in the distance. Stoping to concentrate on the noises you hear
shouting a couple hundred feet from you. Looking you see a few torches
(5 or 6) about chest level coming your way. Looking harder you notice large
humanoids carrying the torches, they appear to have a reflective skin as you
notice the torch light reflect off of them. Lizardman! They quickly notice
your group, turn and run in the opposite direction! [Lizardman Camp]Finally
coming to high ground you hear, shouts a few hundred feet in front of you.
Looking down you notice many clawed foot prints in the mud leading to and
from the water. Then suddenly infront of you you see a large group of
lizardmen, some have clubs, others spears, and a few even have swords. They
all start chanting, when a section of them part an out walks a large one
with many necklaces, and a staff. They all stop the chant, and the leader
holds up his staff. He says a few words in lizardish. The crowd starts up
a different chant, each time they finish a verse the leader lowers the staff
a little…
DM NOTES: If the party comes across the scouts use the second part as they
chase the lizardmen to the camp. Have the number of lizardmen be more than
the party could handle (thus hopefully they wont attack), so hopefully they
will have the sense to run. The leader (A shaman) is counting down to the
hunt. When his staff reaches the ground it starts. Have the lizardmen get
more and more excited each time a verse is finished. The idea is for the
party to run and be hunted. They should escape if they are not too thick
headed, and stay and fight. Once the hunt starts they lizardmen break off
into groups,so if the party does come across one or two groups they could
fight a little to slow them down, but this would attract more groups! If
the party is too stupid (thick headed) have the group get caught. Then they
are tied up and a great feast is prepared. If they party cant escape on
its own, have a group of lizardmen free the party. This special group is
a faction that is against the current leaders, which they want to see them
lose face, thus if the prisoners escape they may have a chance to take
control of the tribe. (This is more important than a feast to them)
KEY: The group may want to remove the lizardmen from the area. The
special group may seek the party to help them assinate the tribe leader.